Page 13 - Product Catalogue
P. 13
Ceramic Adhesives
YURTBAY RAPID FIX is a cement based, fast setting
ceramic adhesive mortar with reduced slip.
TS EN 12004-1
FIELDS OF APPLICATION adhered to the surface immediately and the mortar shouldn't
It is used for medium and large size floor and wall tiling, natural spread to a wide space. Wide expansion joints are required to be
rock, travertine, marble, granite, porcelain ceramic, decorative left for every 50 m² during application.
brick etc. coating materials, at interior and exterior horizontal and APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS
vertical applications. It is preferred on the surfaces which requires • The ambient and substrate temperature should be in the range
to be opened to pedestrian traffic especially in short period of of +5 C to 35 C.
time in the floor applications which will be subject to intense • Should not be applied on frozen, thawing surfaces and surfaces
pedestrian traffic. with a frost hazard.
APPLICATION EXAMPLES • Application should not be made when the substrate temperature
Interior wall: Cement based plaster, gypsum and concrete floors, is high, and during very sunny or extremely windy weather.
old ceramic coating • Application should be made by considering the working duration
Interior and exterior floor: Cement based screed substrates due to fast setting.
(provided that they are adequately set and dry) and concrete WARNINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS
floors, old ceramic coating • YURTBAY RAPIDFIX quickly sets, it must be ensured that no film
APPLICATION DATA (23 C & 50% B.N) is formed on the surface after the application. In case the film is
Product type : Powder formed, adhesion process should be carried out by combing the
Product color : Gray surface.
Mixing ratio : 5,5-6 L water for a 25 kg mixture • Immediately after the application, the surface must be cleaned
Pot life : Max. 30 min. with a damp sponge and adherence process must be continued.
Open time : 10 minutes (as per TS EN 12004) • It is not recommended to re-wet the material if there is crusting
Ready for Use : 10 hours (light pedestrian traffic) in the material.
Required time for grouting : 10 hours • Any foreign substances should absolutely not be added.
SURFACE PREPARATION • Gypsum and similar surfaces with high water absorption should be
Substrates on which application will be made should be clean and primed before application to reduce water absorption.
sound. Any dust, oil, dirt and materials that will prevent adhesion CONSUMPTION
should be removed from the surface and mortar, cement, etc. Consumption amount per 1 m .
residues should be scraped off. Surface defects with depth more
than 2 cm should be repaired at least 1 day in advance. Application Notch Size Consumption Amount (Kg/m )
MIXTURE PREPARATION One-sided adhesion 6x6x6 mm 3-4 kg
Clean water of 5,5-6 L is poured into a clean, round container; One-sided adhesion 8x8x8 4-5 kg
then, a 25 kg powder product should be added slowly and mixed
until a homogeneous, pellet free appearance is obtained Note: Provided consumption values are approximate values, and
. mixing should be made using a low speed mixer. The fresh may vary depending on the area of the application surface and the
mixture should be allowed to mature for 5 min, and re-mixed prior application thickness.
to application. It must be prepared little by little until the product SHELF LIFE
can be used by taking the application speed into account. 12 months from production date when stored in non-humid, dry
APPLICATION environments and in original packing.
The mixed YURTBAY RAPIDFIX mortar should be applied on The packages should be tightly closed when not in use.
the substrate using a steel notched trowel, with a notch size *These values have been obtained as a result of laboratory tests
appropriate to the tile dimensions. The coating material is placed in compliance with the standards. The values may vary in different
on the surface and ensured to fitted on the surface using a rubber application environments.
. Adhesive mortar should also be filled into the bottom holes of
the tiles, in bonding the tiles larger than 40x40 cm in exterior Bag Weight / kg AMOUNT / BAG GROSS WEIGHT / kg SIZE / cm
applications. Due to its fast setting feature, the tiles must be 25 54 1370 80x110x105